
STC Number
Contact Details


Installation of MASS Systems fire extinguisher cartridges as replacements for W. Kidde Aerospace/L’Hotellier/Dexaero fire extinguisher cartridges in fire extinguisher bottles installed in the rotorcraft models noted on the FAA Approved Model List SR01344LA dated June 28, 2002, or later FAA approved revisions. This cartridge is in accordance with MASS Systems Master Drawing List MDL-861355, Revision N/C, dated May 31, 2002, or later FAA approved revisions.

Airbus Helicopters AS332 L|L1|L2, H215
Airbus Helicopters AS355 E|F
Airbus Helicopters AS365 N1|N2|N3

Product Description

Installation of MASS Systems fire extinguisher cartridges as replacements for W. Kidde Aerospace/L’Hotellier/Dexaero fire extinguisher cartridges in fire extinguisher bottles installed in the rotorcraft models noted on the FAA Approved Model List SR01344LA dated June 28, 2002, or later FAA approved revisions. This cartridge is in accordance with MASS Systems Master Drawing List MDL-861355, Revision N/C, dated May 31, 2002, or later FAA approved revisions.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Reissued
STC Date: 05/07/11
Responsible Office: Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100L), Tel: (562) 627-5200

Eurocopter France

  • AS332C
  • AS332L
  • AS332L1
  • AS332L2
  • AS355E
  • AS355F
  • AS355F1
  • AS355F2
  • AS355N
  • AS-365N3