
12.00   Standing Lunch Buffet
12.30   Welcome
Hélène de Wolf – John Strickland
12.45   Session 1 - Trends and Developments in Avionics
12.45   Prepare for the future – LPV, CPDLC and FANS
Mareijn Willems – Business Development Manager – Fokker Services
13.15   Case Study Installation SatCom Antenna A319
Patrick Gindre: Sales Director – EAD Aerospace, an Eclipse Company
13.45   ADS-B countdown to June 2020
Mark Tritten - Program Manager CA - Honeywell Aerospace
14.15   Coffee Break
14.35   Session 2 - Paneldiscussion
    Panel Members:
  • Alliance Airlines
    Mr. Barry Sims – General Manager – Airworthiness

  • European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
    Mrs. Carla Iorio - Supplemental Type Certificates & Special Projects Section Manager

  • Embraer
    Mr. Fabio Molina – Customer Services Manager

  • GSA Europe
    Mr. Tim Dufourmont - Consultant aircraft and airport operations

  • H4 Aerospace
    Mr. Russell Wenman – Managing Director

    Mandates and operational incentives: the impact of changing mandates versus the last mover advantage. How to handle this as industry?
A lot of mandates and operational incentives have been issued in the last decade and many more are to follow. In these cases there is often a disadvantage for first movers. For the service providers this implies that there is a large pressure just before a deadline to help the airline industry to comply. How can we as a collective better level load and incentivize early adopters?
    Increasing dominance of Aircraft OEMs in the modification marketplace. How to deal with this?
Aircraft OEMs and System OEMs are becoming more and more protective of the aftermarket of their products. Different strategies to do so are adopted. Strategies range from warning aircraft operators for lack of quality and sustainable support of STCs, and others are claiming IP infringements to third party service providers. What is actually happening, and what can we as a collective do to counter this increasing power play?
    What role can STC companies and DOA’s play in the modification industry?
Why do aircraft operators choose an STC over an SB, or when does an airline decide to do the engineering work themselves? How does the decision-making take place and what role or input do aircraft operators desire from the DOA’s and STC companies in the process?
15.45   Coffee Break
16.05   Session 3 - Growing importance played by DOA’s within the actual & future evolution of PART21 in the context of STC approvals.
Mrs. Carla Iorio, Supplemental Type Certificates & Special Projects Section Manager - European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

Many changes are to be expected in the near future. EASA looks forward to convey this information to the attendees at this event.
17.00   Network Event
A pleasant way to end a busy day!
Everything is set to create the perfect atmosphere for a great Networking Event. A live band will be playing while you are enjoying a nice bite to eat and a drink and of course great company!

Unable to attend the Seminar? Then you are still welcome to join the Network Event to shake hands and have a drink (or two) with new or known business relations?Registration is needed.

Prize Draw! Win a Drone!
As a nice finale to an inspiring afternoon, we invite you to join the Prize Draw. The lucky winner will be going home with a high tech Drone! (Only attendees of the Seminar can take part in the Prize Draw).
18.30   End of Program