
STC Number
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Installation of ten auxiliary fuel tank system configurationsValidation of STC ST01725NY-D Approved configurations are the following: Configuration 1: ,,Installation of a Five-Cell Auxiliary Fuel System inthe forward and aft cargo compartments in accorda
Limitations: Configurations 1 & 5:,,PATS Aircraft, LLC. Airplane Flight ManualSupplement No. 221 for a Five-Cell (1 Fwd/4 Aft) Auxiliary Fuel System,revision IR dated January 30, 2009 is required. Approved for aircraftwith NGS. Configurations 2 & 6:,,PATS Aircraft, L.
Conditions: Prior to installation of this modification it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this modification and any other previouslyinstalled modification and / or repair will introduce no adverse effectupon the airworthiness
of the product.

Boeing 737 NextGen

Product Description

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level: n/a
STC Date: 12-12-2011
Responsible Office:
