
STC Number
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Installation of an AirCell Iridium ST-3100 Single Channel SATCOM Certification Basis Limitations -Duncan Aviation Drawing List DA0211-01R Revision A dated December 272002 or later approved revision Conditions 1. This STC is approved only for the product configuration as defined inthe approved design data referred to in the paragraph Description".Compatibility with other aircraft/engine configurations shall bedetermined by the installer.

Textron Cessna Citation X, 750

Product Description

Installation of an AirCell Iridium ST-3100
Single Channel SATCOM

Certification Basis

-Duncan Aviation Drawing List DA0211-01R
Revision A dated December 272002 or later
approved revision

1. This STC is approved only for the product
configuration as defined inthe approved
design data referred to in the paragraph
Description".Compatibility with other
aircraft/engine configurations shall
bedetermined by the installer.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level:
STC Date: 18/03/05
Responsible Office: EASA