
STC Number
Contact Details


Installation of Dual AN/ARC-210(V) Talon V/UHF Airborne Radios in accordance with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Index List GC511028003, Revision “D”, dated May 20, 2011 or later FAA approved revision. For the -501 Provisions Configuration, the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Document GC51102A004, original release, dated September 28, 2010 or later FAA accepted revisions shall be made available to the operator at the time of installation.For the -503 Configuration, the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement GC51102M003, original release, dated May 20, 2011 or later FAA approved revisions, is required and must be carried in the aircraft on all flights. The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Document GC51102A004 Revision “A”, dated November 23, 2010 or later FAA accepted revisions shall be made available to the operator at the time of installation.

Gulfstream GV
Gulfstream GV SP, G500, G550

Product Description

Installation of Dual AN/ARC-210(V) Talon V/UHF Airborne Radios in accordance with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Index List GC511028003, Revision “D”, dated May 20, 2011 or later FAA approved revision. For the -501 Provisions Configuration, the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Document GC51102A004, original release, dated September 28, 2010 or later FAA accepted revisions shall be made available to the operator at the time of installation.For the -503 Configuration, the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement GC51102M003, original release, dated May 20, 2011 or later FAA approved revisions, is required and must be carried in the aircraft on all flights. The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Document GC51102A004 Revision “A”, dated November 23, 2010 or later FAA accepted revisions shall be made available to the operator at the time of installation.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Amended
STC Date: 20/05/11
Responsible Office: Gulfstream Aviation Safety Oversight Office (ACE-100G), Tel: (562) 627-6722

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

  • GV-SP