
STC Number
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installation of a installation of dual Garmin GTN 650/750 GPS/NAV/COM, dual Garmin GTX 33D remote XPDR and optional Garmin GWX 70 weather radar equipment, as a direct replacement of currently installed GPS, NAV, COM, XPDR and WX equipment into the Piaggi

Piaggio P180 Avant

Product Description

installation of a installation of dual Garmin GTN 650/750 GPS/NAV/COM, dual Garmin GTX 33D remote XPDR and optional Garmin GWX 70 weather radar equipment, as a direct replacement of currently installed GPS, NAV, COM, XPDR and WX equipment into the Piaggi

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Completed
STC Date:
Responsible Office: Emmen, Switzeland