
STC Number
Contact Details


Fabrication of Simplex Model 316 Fire Attack System per Simplex Master Drawing List No. MDL 316, Revision D, dated December 14, 2001, or later FAA approved revision; and installation of this system in accordance with Simplex Installation Instructions, Document No. 316-102 002-001, Revision B, dated January 8, 2002, or later FAA approved revision.

Airbus Helicopters AS332 L|L1|L2, H215
Airbus Helicopters EC 225, H225

Product Description

Fabrication of Simplex Model 316 Fire Attack System per Simplex Master Drawing List No. MDL 316, Revision D, dated December 14, 2001, or later FAA approved revision; and installation of this system in accordance with Simplex Installation Instructions, Document No. 316-102 002-001, Revision B, dated January 8, 2002, or later FAA approved revision.

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Amended
STC Date: 17/02/09
Responsible Office: Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100S), Tel: (425) 917-6400

Eurocopter France

  • AS332L
  • AS332L1
  • AS332L2
  • EC225LP